The children’s Party Book by Anne and Peter Thomas is a great book to read for parents that want to organize the birthday party of their young children. Indeed, this is the first book that I bought when I started my journey as a parent looking for ideas on how to plan and achieve my child’s birthday party. I just loved it!
Featured birthday or party activities:
This book provides plenty of examples of group games (more than 200) for 5 to 12 year-olds. These games are categorized as:
- games for getting to know each other
- simple group games
- circle games, memory
- observation
- word and guessing games
- peaceful games
- creative activities
- things to make
- active indoor/outdoor games
- blindfold games
- catch and ball games
- treasure hunts,
- relay races
Children aged 3 to 4 years old won’t have as much active indoor/outdoor games as the former age group. However, there are more than enough action songs and simple group games that parents can choose for their 3 to 4 year-old kids.
The authors give valuable information about the developmental stages of children. Also, they talk about how age is a key factor when organizing your child’s birthday party.
Questions answered:
The children’s Party Book answers many questions that parents like you have about organizing the best party for their young children. Some of the answered questions are:
- Who should we invite?
- Should the winner get a prize?
- Should we give out a present list for our child?
- You can find a useful checklist and all the essential prep work, such as, a calendar, the child’s wishes, the invitations, decoration, prizes and little presents.
- When should we hold a party?
- How many children should we invite?
- Should little brothers and sisters be at the party too?
- How long should a party last?
Why I love reading The children’s Party Book?
What makes this book really unique is a whole chapter about puppet shows. If you like story-telling and being creative making your own puppets, then this book will fulfill your enthusiasm by giving you a detail step to step guide.
Last, but not least, the authors also present 10 amazing themes appropriate for 5 to 12 years-olds that I am sure will engaged and make the party an unforgettable occasion.